
We focus on quality in its broadest sense:

All our products are produced following applicable standards and guidelines, including GMP and ISO 9001, adhering to European directives and regulations. Our products are released to the market after strict pre-set quality test requirements.

We transport and store products, ensuring their quality is secured and strive to maximize efficiency in all transport. All our pharmaceuticals are distributed following Good Distribution Practice (GDP). We store our products in qualified warehouses.

We only sell through qualified partners, qualified through regular reviews.

We continuously monitor and act on safety and quality data to reduce risk for our patients and for continuous improvement.

We are available for our patients and customers for support and information, eager to learn and listen. We are always available for reporting of adverse events, incidents and product defects.

You can trust Navamedic products as safe with proven effects.

Navamedic holds Wholesaler Distribution Authorizations (WDAs) and Certificate of GDP compliance issued by Norwegian and Swedish Authorities. Navamedic also holds a Quality Management System certificate according to EU Regulation 2017/745 for Medical Devices.