
Navamedic is committed to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner over time and in a way that contributes to a positive, trust-based relationship between Navamedic, our stakeholders and society as a whole.
Navamedic is certified according to ISO 14001 standard.
We are member of the AMR industry alliance which work to curb antimicrobial resistance.
Navamedic Environmental Policy
- We at Navamedic shall strive to continuously reduce the environmental footprint (impact) of our business and products
- Secure that we live up to the environmental regulations and the demands and expectations of our customers, end-users and partners.
The environmental work shall cover the entire value chain of our business and products. We must understand and explore every step that can improve the environmental sustainability of our business. We shall have a non-prestigious relation in identifying and solving environmental problems.
Looking at the United Nations global development goals, Navamedic has identified four areas where we will focus our contribution. By assessing the whole value chain and having a comprehensive view on our impact, Navamedic built a good foundation for establishing concrete measures, initiatives and focus areas.
Together with our management and the Board, we focus on sustainability, and despite being a limited-size company with no production facilities, we still aim to minimize our environmental footprint. We identify environmental-related focus areas and the measures to be taken in a short- and long-term period.
Navamedic has set emissions reduction targets through the Science Based Targets initiative, with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from Navamedic’s operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement.
Environmental contribution areas

Contribute to safe and timely suppiles of medicines by minimizing the risk of shortages through close collaboration with our partners included in the whole value chain.
Contribute to peoples health by focusing on important medical needs, such as obesity, antibiotics and medical nutrition.

Commit to respecting fundamental human and labour rights , both in our own business and throughout the intire value chain.
Support work/life balance for employees as a flexible company.
Promote employees competence development.

Focus together with suppliers on sustainability initiatives.
Focus on packaging material of our products to reduce waste, introduce environmental-friendly alternatives to improve labelling to sort waste material.

Transport products in a more sustainable way to reduce CO2 emission.
Implement a travel policy to support business travel in a more sustainable way.
Constantly improve and document our environmental actions through the ISO 14001 certification and internal Environmental Management System.