Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Navamedic recognizes good corporate governance as an important element in the group’s corporate culture and the Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct to be followed by all company personnel. The company aims to maintain good and open communication in order to encourage confidence in the group’s activities.

Navamedic policy in the area of corporate governance is based on the following items:

  • Navamedic will lead an open, reliable and relevant communication with the outside world about its activities and matters relating to corporate governance.
  • Navamedic will have a board that is independent of the Group’s management and business.
  • It should be emphasized that there are no conflicts of interest between shareholders, board of directors and management. If conflicts arise, there should be procedures to handle this in a professional way.
  • Navamedic should have a clear division between the board and management.
  • All shareholders are treated equally.