Lighter Together

Modifast Lighter Together is a support program to make weight management and lifestyle changes more achievable when done with others.
Lighter together is a structured program with different phases based on the Modifast method developed by a dietitian more than two decades ago.
Rapid initial weight loss may increase motivation by providing positive feedback and promote further weight control behaviours, as shown in studies. Lighter together starts with a low calorie diet (LCD) with Modifast diet replacements following a gradual reintroduction with healthy and well balanced meals. Physical activity is also included in the program with increasing intensity throughout.

The program lasts for six weeks and provides evidence-based information, support and motivation from experienced dietitians online. The program includes dedicated newsletters several times a week and a Facebook group moderated by a dietitian where participants have the possibility to inspire and support each other during their weight journey. One main advantage of the programme is that the participants start at the same time and therefore experience the different phases together throughout the process.
The Lighter Together concept is well established in Sweden and is now also offered in Norway. Below you will find quotes from previous participants:
Modifast made it easy for me to get started.
Everyone has cheered, supported and fought together.
Thanks to Lighter Together with all cheers, encourage and support, tips and ideas I have not given up.
Modifast plus writing, sharing and receiving ideas in the Facebook group has helped me a lot to keep my fighting spirit going.